In an era of musical over-saturation, it’s nice to have a voice that is merging styles from the past, present and future. Everyone seems to have an EP dropping, or working in the studio or whatever else it takes to be a musician these days (which is seemingly just a laptop) and with the accessibility of soundcloud and bandcamp, anyones sounds can be heard. I think the nature of the artistic endeavor is admirable, vulnerable and should be pursued by many simply as a way of expression, but it is easier than ever to believe you’re the “next to pop” with a couple likes or a blog post which in turn distorts the beauty of creativity and can falsely inflate an ego. Bryson Tiller is a refreshing voice and keeps me motivated through all the shit I’m bombarded with on a minutely basis. There are a few out there whose vision beckons to be absorbed and can keep making music of quality and this Louisville native is one that will hopefully be creating for awhile.