Via Rosa has the coolest friends and collaborators, for “Spin Cycle” she linked with Mathien and theMind creating a piece that speaks to my soul. It was produced by THEMpeople, and the stirring, soulful guitar playing is by Mathien and Ben Hixon. Via Rosa consistently releases captivating music that draws me in, and “Spin Cycle” is a personal favorite of mine from amongst her recent work. She told me that she was messing around with Ben & Zigg and they freestyled the verses, later she had a session with Mathien and it all fit together making the track transform into something bigger. It was originally slated for her next project, Metempsychosis, but she decided to release as a loosie instead. Via Rosa is multitalented, you can hit her up to acquire a piece of art and maybe even a vegan cooking lesson, I plan to do both in the near future. For now, enjoy the beautiful “Spin Cycle.”