How do you create meaningful experience in your life?
By faking them.
How do you manage ennui?
By switching between the same 4 apps on my phone.
“I think, therefore I am” or “I am, therefore I think”
I am whatever you say I am, if i wasn’t then why would I say I am
What defines consciousness?
In your opinion does this photograph of a pumpkin:
A. Reflect a profound reality (A picture of pumpkin is like the real thing)
B. Mask and denature a profound reality (A picture of the pumpkin is like a shitty version of the real thing.)
C.Mask the absence of a profound reality (the pumpkin was a lie.)
Lose all connection to reality, becoming pure simulation (Pumpkins, as a natural phenomenon, are a lie and this picture I just handed you is just a napkin that I peed on.)
D. All of the Above
F. Makes me want pumpkin spice latte (with whip!)
Sartre posits that the existence of desire is the best proof that humans are basically in a state of “lacking”, if man were “what he is(a being-in-itself)”, he would not need anything to complete him. Is there anything that can make a human complete?
How do you make earnest connection in a world of instant gratification?
I don’t lol.