Category: Soufflé, I’m skraight, I scrape my plate
Ranking: :telephone: :telephone: :telephone:
He’s a smooth operator.
Category: Japanese ghetto tek
Ranking: :japanese_castle: :mount_fuji:
P-p-p-paisley Parks
Category: Most sped up DJ Screw
Ranking: :nut_and_bolt: :nut_and_bolt:
Category: Weirdest Mykki Blanco Video
Ranking: :bride_with_veil:
Big year for him though
Category: Like the only song Mummz released this year
Ranking: :snail: :snail: :snail:
Just kidding, he released 3 whole songs. :clap: In seriousness, they’ve all been worth the wait and he can take as long as he needs, you jackals.
Category: Best release from former Raider
Ranking: :mushroom: :mushroom: :mushroom:
Nostalgia 64 cop it.
Category: Biggest babe
Ranking: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:
She’s a very dope rapper and there aren’t enough women on these lists.
Category: Spookiest Track
Ranking: :ghost: :ghost:
Category: Best Album about Currency
Ranking: :euro: 2 :dollar:
S/O Dis Magazine
Category: Hoodest Bey Track
Ranking: :crown:
People hated this song lol.
Category: The only King Push track I really cared about
Ranking: :crown: :pushpin:
The Jonwayne version of this is dopey as well.
Category: Deepest V
Ranking: :womans_clothes:
Category: Smoovest Footwork EP
Ranking: :saxophone: :saxophone:
Category: Prettiest hiphop blend
Ranking: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:
Stranger than fiction.