The Leather Corduroys got 14 here on Season. This is their debut mixtape and it’s first class, Joey Purp and Kami de Chukwu are on fire, the production by artists including Peter Cottontale, The Internet, Papi Beatz, Thelonious Martin is consistently strong and the quality of sound is impressive. Even the release was fun, Chance the Rapper who features on “I Told You So” leaked it a little early. The project is taking me some time to fully absorb, there’s a lot to hear on this bold and adventurous album. Kami tweeted “Season is us representing our vulnerability, it is formatted meticulously, yet raw and unforgiving, beautiful and annoying at the same damn time.” That all sounds true, but I’d replace the word annoying with intriguing. Happy Leather Corduroys Season.