Viceroy will be appearing in Chicago on May 13th and you can buy tickets from us #BrandSynergy.
Do you worry about the heat death of the universe?
Candidly I had no idea what heat death of the universe was before this interview, so i did some reasearch. I’ve concluded that I’m honestly not worried. I try not to worry about much in my life. I think it’s is waste of energy. I try to focus on solving problems that arise and things like the heat death of the universe really is something far beyond my capacity to solve, so why worry?
How do you create meaningful experience in your life?
I was just talking about this with a friend the other day. I learned at a very young age that I’m going to be terrible at a lot of things and great at a few. With that in mind, I’ve focused on realizing what passions of mine are sustainable financially and socially. When I can do something I love for a living, I then can create the most meaningful experiences in my life whether it is social impacts I can make or accomplishing my own personal goals.
What is time? What is Macaroni Time?
Time is money and I’ll defer to Chief Keef for Macaroni Time
Sartre considered contemplation a luxury, do you?
Definitely. Once your common needs in life are fulfilled then you are free to contemplate the finer points of life, for instance-which thai restaurant you want to go to try on a Friday night?
Donald Trump is a tangible example of increased absurdity (aka entropy) in the universe, can you name other examples?
Plenty. You should meet my friends. Other than them, I think what is going on in North Korea completely absurd. The way the people of NK are treated and can’t leave their country is something so hard for me to comprehend in the year 2016. Being held against your will in their case is something no one should ever have to endure. The inherent human right of freedom is something completely disregarded there.
Do you think trends are accelerating faster than ever?
Absolutely and they are coming in and out of vogue at faster clip. Today’s speed of media and communication has accelerated ideas faster throughout the world. Naturally that causes people to move onto the next trend. We live in on-demand society.