How do you create meaningful experience in your life?
Making art is the best way in my opinion. Not many things inherently have meaning, so you might as well create that for yourself.
How do you manage ennui?
Generally I like to sit back, smoke a joint, & check up on music that friends are releasing (usually via Bandcamp & Soundcloud).
Sartre considered contemplation a luxury, do you?
I’d say it’s more of a necessity. I really have no interest in speaking to someone who’s never contemplated existence. Imagine how dull that’d be.
Is your existence as compared to your nonexistence something which can be justified?
This is completely subjective. To whom am I justifying myself? But yeah, probably not. I don’t think anyone can justify their own existence rationally.
Sartre posits that the existence of desire is the best proof that humans are basically in a state of “lacking”, if man were “what he is(a being-in-itself)”, he would not need anything to complete him. Is there anything that can make a human complete?
That depends on what you consider to be “complete”. However, I agree with Sartre’s sentiment that the human experience is an extremely fragmentary one. A big part of life is searching for that missing piece of the puzzle, but another part is accepting the fact that the puzzle has an infinite number of pieces and you’ll never be able to put it all together to form some perfect, beautiful spectacle.
How do you make earnest connection in a world where instant gratification seems to be so highly valued?
I’d say you connect with people on a much deeper level if you actually experience things together. Going to shows for example. You’re going to be a lot closer to someone if you’re brain actually associates them with a positive moment in your life. That being said, nothing wrong with a little instant gratification here & there. Insert that IV drip of upwards thumbs and little red hearts straight into my veins.