Pictureplane is a visual artist, musician, blog runner (on hiatus), clothier and person currently living in New York City (the big apple).
Is there moral goodness, what is goodness to you?
Yes, of course. I don’t like to split the universe in to an extreme duality, good and evil, dark and light, things like that. I think there is always a third, grey area. but I believe in love, and in positivity, and optimism, and goodness! I think most all of us intuitively know how to treat each other. I don’t think we are born “evil”, i think most of us deep down are compassionate creatures, our society tells us not to be though, that we need to compete and climb over each other to survive, which I don’t think is true. I really believe in the age old axiom, treat others how you would want to be treated. It’s simple, and the universe rewards that behavior. Uplifting others in the end uplifts yourself.
What is the importance of space exploration in our society?
I think any kind of exploration is very important. It is part of who we are as humans to be curious and to want to learn. Exploration is advancement. I am also of the belief that we have secret and black project space programs that the public has no idea about, and that we already know about things out there that are way weirder than we know. I would much rather our governments be spending money on scientists and exploration studies rather than buying new toys for war and destruction. our priorities are backwards.
How do you create meaningful experience in your life?
I think meaningful experiences are ones that are based out of passion and love. Working on things that actually mean something to you. doing something that really speaks to you and fills you with happiness. Things like working a pointless job, going to a college that you don’t care about, eating food that isn’t real… i think that people don’t even know what a meaningful experience is anymore. we are really detached from our selves. we need to figure out what really makes us happy, and follow that.
What is time? What is Macaroni Time?
I think it is a huge current illusion that time moves in a straight and linear line. From beginning to end. Ancient peoples understood that all time is cyclical. Everything repeats itself and returns. Civilization rises and falls again and again. We are not at the peak of human achievement like we are currently lead to believe and all time is relative. Human time is such a fraction of a second compared to geological time or the age of a planet. But this shouldn’t alleviate us of any responsibility when it comes to how we treat the planet. And I love that song macaroni time
Riff Raff may be a tangible example of increased absurdity (aka entropy) in the universe, can you name other examples?
I don’t think Riff Raff represents a decline or a disorder. There have always been entertainers and jesters, pranksters. That’s what Riff Raff is, he is just very contemporary. I think he is great. I think something that would represent more of a chaos element and decline of civilization would be our corporations and governments. To me that is an absurdity. Total disregard for people, the planet or anything real other than profit and money. Never ending growth is an absurd idea on a finite planet. capitalism is absurd.